Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How I want my story told

I would rather have my story told as a song than as a bunch of facts, like you would find in a textbook. If my story is told as plain facts, no one would read it voluntarily in the first place. A perfect example of that is our school textbooks. No one would voluntarily take time out of their day to read facts about some dead guy. Second, even if they did actually read my story voluntarily, it would not stick to their minds. When I read the textbook, I only retain the information until my test is over. Then I would forget all the information, because it is of no use to me. However, if my story was told as a song, rather than as plain facts, people might actually be interested in reading it, or singing it, because it would have music along with it. And music is very catchy, because it is not monotonous like plain facts, so it would also stick to their minds and they would remember it for a longer amount of time.

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